punas ca vipra-sapena
raksasau tau babhuvatuh
hatau tau rama-vikramaih
punahagain; caalso; vipra-sapenabeing cursed by the brahmanas; raksasauthe two Raksasas; tauboth of them; babhuvatuhincarnated as; kumbhakarna-dasa-grivauknown as Kumbhakarna and the ten-headed Ravana (in their next birth); hatauthey also were killed; tauboth of them; rama-vikramaihby the extraordinary strength of Lord Ramacandra.
Being cursed by the brahmanas, the same two associates took birth again as Kumbhakarna and the ten-headed Ravana. These two Raksasas were killed by Lord Ramacandras extraordinary power.

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