indro na vajram jagrhe vilajjitas
cyutam sva-hastad ari-sannidhau punah
tam aha vrtro hara atta-vajro
jahi sva-satrum na visada-kalah
indrahKing Indra; nanot; vajramthe thunderbolt; jagrhetook up; vilajjitahbeing ashamed; cyutamfallen; sva-hastatfrom his own hand; ari-sannidhauin front of his enemy; punahagain; tamunto him; ahasaid; vrtrahVrtrasura; hareO Indra; atta-vajrahtaking up your thunderbolt; jahikill; sva-satrumyour enemy; nanot; visada-kalahthe time for lamentation.
Having dropped the thunderbolt from his hand in the presence of his enemy, Indra was practically defeated and was very much ashamed. He dared not pick up his weapon again. Vrtrasura, however, encouraged him, saying, Take up your thunderbolt and kill your enemy. This is not the time to lament your fate.

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