gotram tvadiyam bhagavan vrsadhvajo
daksayanity aha yada sudurmanah
vyapeta-narma-smitam asu tadaham
vyutsraksya etat kunapam tvad-angajam
gotramfamily relationship; tvadiyamyour; bhagavanthe possessor of all opulences; vrsadhvajahLord Siva; daksayaniDaksayani (the daughter of Daksa); itithus; ahacalls; yadawhen; sudurmanahvery morose; vyapetadisappear; narma-smitammy jolliness and smile; asuimmediately; tadathen; ahamI; vyutsraksyeI shall give up; etatthis (body); kunapamdead body; tvat-anga-jamproduced from your body.
Because of our family relationship, when Lord Siva addresses me as Daksayani I at once become morose, and my jolliness and my smile at once disappear. I feel very much sorry that my body, which is just like a bag, has been produced by you. I shall therefore give it up.
The word daksayani means the daughter of King Daksa. Sometimes, when there was relaxed conversation between husband and wife, Lord Siva used to call Sati the daughter of King Daksa, and because this very word reminded her about her family relationship with King Daksa, she at once became ashamed because Daksa was an incarnation of all offenses. Daksa was the embodiment of envy, for he unnecessarily blasphemed a great personality, Lord Siva. Simply upon hearing the word daksayani, she felt afflicted because of reference to the context because her body was the symbol of all the offensiveness with which Daksa was endowed. Since her body was constantly a source of unhappiness, she decided to give it up.
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