vrnihi kamam nrpa yan mano-gatam
mattas tvam auttanapade visankitah
varam vararho mbuja-nabha-padayor
anantaram tvam vayam anga susruma
vrnihiplease ask; kamamdesire; nrpaO King; yatwhatever; manah-gatamwithin your mind; mattahfrom me; tvamyou; auttanapadeO son of Maharaja Uttanapada; avisankitahwithout hesitation; varambenediction; vara-arhahworthy to take benedictions; ambujalotus flower; nabhawhose navel; padayohat His lotus feet; anantaramconstantly; tvamabout you; vayamwe; angadear Dhruva; susrumahave heard.
My dear Dhruva Maharaja, son of Maharaja Uttanapada, we have heard that you are constantly engaged in transcendental loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is known for His lotus navel. You are therefore worthy to take all benedictions from us. Please, therefore, ask without hesitation whatever benediction you want from me.
Dhruva Maharaja, the son of King Uttanapada, was already known throughout the universe as a great devotee of the Lord, constantly thinking of His lotus feet. Such a pure, uncontaminated devotee of the Lord is worthy to have all the benedictions that can be offered by the demigods. He does not have to worship the demigods separately for such benedictions. Kuvera is the treasurer of the demigods, and he is personally offering whatever benediction Dhruva Maharaja would like to have from him. Srila Bilvamangala Thakura stated, therefore, that for persons who engage in the devotional service of the Lord, all material benedictions wait like maidservants. Mukti-devi is just waiting at the door of the devotee to offer liberation, or more than that, at any time. To be a devotee is therefore an exalted position. Simply by rendering transcendental loving service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one can have all the benedictions of the world without separate endeavor. Lord Kuvera said to Dhruva Maharaja that he had heard that Dhruva was always in samadhi, or thinking of the lotus feet of the Lord. In other words, he knew that for Dhruva Maharaja there was nothing desirable within the three material worlds. He knew that Dhruva would ask for nothing but to remember the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord constantly.

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