Morning Walk

June 22, 1974, Germany
Hamsaduta: The people who were there, they all paid to come to that engagement. They did not come free. Five marks. About two dollars.
Prabhupada: How many men came?
Hamsaduta: There were about 120, 130. At least. I counted them. That many... Engagement. Prabhupada: Hmm?
Hamsaduta: And the lecture was very, very nice.
Prabhupada: Good morning. Hare Krsna. So last night our explanation was right?
Devotee: Yes. Lots of people of the country was in the football, was going in the football.
Hamsaduta: This week is the big world football matches. So everyone goes to see that. They either stay at home and watch television or they go to the fields.
Prabhupada: Because they have been taught like that. What is their fault? They do not know the importance of human life. "Eat, drink, be merry, and enjoy." That's all. And then become a dog. That's all. They do not know. And they say, "Never mind I shall become a dog. After all, I will forget everything." (Hamsaduta translates into German)
Prabhupada: There are so many planets, so many different standard of life. Nothing. They do not know anything. (German)
Guest (1) (German man): But the other planets has a more spiritual form than our planet.
Prabhupada: No. Material forms. Just like in the water, the fish is there. That is also material form. But you cannot live within the water. Neither the fish cannot live on the land. So in different planets there are different types of atmosphere and different types of body also. You cannot go to the sun planet. You cannot go to the moon planet because that is a different atmosphere. But there are living entities. They have got their suitable body.
Guest (1): But I think for the people it is difficult to understand.
Prabhupada: Because they are fools. How they can understand? (laughter) Simply fools eating meat and becoming like a tiger and dog. That's all. What...? Tiger may be very strong, but what brain he has got? No brain. (laughs) For brain, there must be a brahmana. Satya sama dama titiksa [Bg. 18.42]. He must be qualified. A tiger may attack me and kill me. He is very strong. But that does not mean he has got better brain than me.
Guest (1): Yes, yes, I see.
Prabhupada: So the modern civilization is making tigers, how he can be bodily strong and kill others, and discover atomic bomb. They are busy only on these things. The dog's business, how to attack another dog. That's all.
Guest (1): This will be a very nice country here for your community.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Guest (1): And I think a very, very good example for the people around.
Prabhupada: But the advanced human beings, they come to shoot here.
Guest (1): Yes.
Hamsaduta: (translates to German)
Guest (1): And then it will be finished. And later it will be finished.
Prabhupada: The animals, they are living in their own atmosphere, and these people, they come to kill them. Killing business has become very prominent at the present moment, and therefore they are being killed in the womb of the mother, abortion and killing child. That they do not know. Nature will not excuse you. You are killing; you'll be killed within your mothers' womb. You'll never see the light of the sun. You go on being killed, one after another, as many animals you have killed. They do not know. And time will come in this age when there will be no food and man will kill man and eat. That time is coming. Yes. They are now killing animal, but animal lives on this grass and grains. When there will be no grass, no grains, where they will get animal? They'll kill their own son and eat. That time is coming. Nature's law is that you grow your own food. But they are not interested in growing food. They are interested in manufacturing bolts and nuts.
Guest (1): Manufacturing?
Prabhupada: Bolts and nuts.
Guest (1): Yes, yes, yes. I see.
Prabhupada: Factory, big, big factory. So they will have to eat bolts and nuts. Where they will get food grains? They thought that "Let us eat the animal and manufacture bolts and nuts." Then when the animal will be finished, then what they will eat?
Satsvarupa: The scientists are making artificial food; so they're not that worried.
Prabhupada: Yes, yes, that is... That I say bolts and nuts. That artificial food means bolts and nuts. Somebody told me that they have manufactured artificial butter and by eating they were vomiting. They're vomiting. There is ample butter supply. Why these rascals are interested in manufacturing artificial butter to show their scientific brain? Just see how they are rascals. They can get, huh? Just like Krsna was stealing His mother's butter and throwing it to the monkeys. Butter can be produced in that way, that everyone can eat sumptuously. No. "Kill the animals and artificial butter you eat and vomit." That's all. Just see their intelligence. And they are proud of their advanced civilization. The same example, that a man barking as a dog, people will go to see it by purchasing ticket. (German translation).
Prabhupada: And they do not see the natural dog is barking. Artificial, they pay ten dollars ticket and see how a man is barking like a dog. Hare Krsna Hare Krsna. You, at least, introduce in your country: "Chant Christ's name and stop animal killing." This is from Bible. This is not that I am asking. Bible says, "Thou shall not kill, and glorify the name of God."
Guest (1): Ahimsa.
Prabhupada: Just in the beginning Christ says, "Thou shall not kill." That is the beginning of religious life. The animal killers cannot understand what is God. It is not possible. There is a statement in the Bhagavata, vina pasughnat.
nivrtta tarsair upagiyamanad
bhavausadhac chrotra-mano-'bhiramat
ka uttamasloka gunanuvadat
puman virajyeta vina pasughnat
[SB 10.1.4]
"Who can remain aloof from the chanting of the holy name of God unless he's an animal killer?" Yes. Animal killers cannot understand what is God, what is God's name. That's not possible. (pause) Krsna, what to speak of killing animal, He was embracing animal every morning, every... Yes. He was embracing.
Hamsaduta: But Krsna...
Prabhupada: Don't come near. (German translation)
Guest (1): And also the holy Francis of Assisi was in relation with all animals in the Christian tradition.
Prabhupada: In Christian tradition there is everything nice, but nobody's following. That is the difficulty. [break] ... portion of the road is not paved like this. Bhagavad-gita, it is said, annad bhavanti bhutani. Both the man and animals will live prosperously when there is sufficient foodgrain. [break] ...at anna-sambhavah. If there is sufficient rainfall, the production of foodgrains will be very easy. And yajnad bhavati parjanyah [Bg. 3.14]. And if you satisfy the Lord by performing yajna, then there will be sufficient rain. And yajnah karma-samudbhavah. And our activities should be only to perform yajna, to satisfy the Lord.
Guest (1): But Sanskrit word for..., yajna?
Hamsaduta: Yajna, sacrifice.
Guest (1): Yeah, yajna.
Prabhupada: Yajna means to satisfy the Lord. Just like glorifying the Lord, that is also yajna. Sankirtana-yajna. Yajna means to satisfy the Lord. Do it anyway and there will be no scarcity. Everything will be all right. Annad bhavanti bhu...
annad bhavanti bhutani
parjanyad anna-sambhavah
yajnad bhavati parjanyo
yajnah karma-samudbhavah
[Bg. 3.14]
Guest (1): So sacrifice are we self, or ourself. That means sacrifice to the Lord.
Prabhupada: Sacrifice, there are different description of sacrifice. Just like one of the sacrifice is this chanting of the holy name of God. Yes. There are other sacrifices, offering in the fire, butter, grains. That is also sacrifice. But in this age, these things are almost not available. Therefore chant the holy name. This sacrifice is recommended. It does not cost anything. Simply God has given you the tongue, and you chant. Any poor man can do it. (pause) [break] ...excursion? No? (Chants japa softly) Hare Krsna Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
Hamsaduta: Cultured excursion.
Prabhupada: Yes. Weekly and planned.
Guest (2) (French man): There is regularly puja in your community?
Prabhupada: Yes. Here also, there is temple. There is regular puja, six times.
Guest (2): Offering light...
Prabhupada: Light, food, everything. Dress, bathing, so many things. If you receive me, you must give me something eatable. Simply light, how can I be satisfied? (laughter) If you give me simply light and no food then how can I be satisfied? Krsna says, "Give Me this food." Patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati, tad aham asnami [Bg. 9.26]. "I will eat." [break]
Hamsaduta: Cigarettes. (chuckles)
Prabhupada: Tin can. You can get also tin can in the slot? What is that? Paying?
Hamsaduta: Oh yes. Anyone can get it. There's no restriction. Here's the car. (end)

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