sri-suka uvaca
amsumams ca tapas tepe
kalam mahantam nasaknot
tatah kalena samsthitah
sri-sukah uvacaSri Sukadeva Gosvami said; amsumanthe king named Amsuman; caalso; tapah tepeexecuted austerity; gangathe Ganges; anayana-kamyayawith a desire to bring the Ganges to this material world to deliver his forefathers; kalamtime; mahantamfor a long duration; nanot; asaknotwas successful; tatahthereafter; kalenain due course of time; samsthitahdied.
Sukadeva Gosvami continued: King Amsuman, like his grandfather, performed austerities for a very long time. Nonetheless, he could not bring the Ganges to this material world, and thereafter, in due course of time, he died.

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