krttikadini naksatran-
indoh patnyas tu bharata
daksa-sapat so napatyas
tasu yaksma-graharditah
krttika-adiniheaded by Krttika; naksatranithe constellations; indohof the moon-god; patnyahthe wives; tubut; bharataO Maharaja Pariksit, descendant of the dynasty of Bharata; daksa-sapatbecause of being cursed by Daksa; sahthe moon-god; anapatyahwithout children; tasuin so many wives; yaksma-graha-arditahbeing oppressed by a disease that brings about gradual destruction.
O Maharaja Pariksit, best of the Bharatas, the constellations named Krttika were all wives of the moon-god. However, because Prajapati Daksa had cursed him to suffer from a disease causing gradual destruction, the moon-god could not beget children in any of his wives.
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