vastor angirasi-putro
tato manus caksuso bhud
visve sadhya manoh sutah
vastohof Vastu; angirasiof his wife named Angirasi; putrahthe son; visvakarmaVisvakarma; akrti-patihthe husband of Akrti; tatahfrom them; manuh caksusahthe Manu named Caksusa; abhutwas born; visvethe Visvadevas; sadhyahthe Sadhyas; manohof Manu; sutahthe sons.
From Angirasi, the wife of the Vasu named Vastu, was born the great architect Visvakarma. Visvakarma became the husband of Akrti, from whom the Manu named Caksusa was born. The sons of Manu were known as the Visvadevas and Sadhyas.

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