kintu sastr-bahutve syad
bahunam iha karminam
sastrtvam upacaro hi
yatha mandala-vartinam
kintubut; sastrof governors or judges; bahutvein the plurality; syatthere may be; bahunamof many; ihain this world; karminampersons performing actions; sastrtvamdepartmental management; upacarahadministration; hiindeed; yathajust like; mandala-vartinamof the departmental heads.
The Yamadutas continued: Since there are many different karmis, or workers, there may be different judges or rulers to give them justice, but just as one central emperor controls different departmental rulers, there must be one supreme controller to guide all the judges.
In governmental management there may be departmental officials to give justice to different persons, but the law must be one, and that central law must control everyone. The Yamadutas could not imagine that two judges would give two different verdicts in the same case, and therefore they wanted to know who the central judge is. The Yamadutas were certain that Ajamila was a most sinful man, but although Yamaraja wanted to punish him, the Visnudutas excused him. This was a puzzling situation that the Yamadutas wanted Yamaraja to clarify.
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