suta uvaca
nisamya kausaravinopavarnitam
dhruvasya vaikuntha-padadhirohanam
prarudha-bhavo bhagavaty adhoksaje
prastum punas tam vidurah pracakrame
sutah uvacaSuta Gosvami said; nisamyaafter hearing; kausaravinaby the sage Maitreya; upavarnitamdescribed; dhruvasyaof Maharaja Dhruva; vaikuntha-padato the abode of Visnu; adhirohanamascent; prarudhaincreased; bhavahdevotional emotion; bhagavatiunto the Supreme Personality of Godhead; adhoksajewho is beyond the reach of direct perception; prastumto inquire; punahagain; tamunto Maitreya; vidurahVidura; pracakrameattempted.
Suta Gosvami, continuing to speak to all the rsis, headed by Saunaka, said: After hearing Maitreya Rsi describe Dhruva Maharajas ascent to Lord Visnus abode, Vidura became very much enlightened in devotional emotion, and he inquired from Maitreya as follows.
As evidenced in the topics between Vidura and Maitreya, the activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the devotees are so fascinating that neither the devotee who is describing them nor the devotee who is hearing is at all fatigued by the inquiries and answers. Transcendental subject matter is so nice that no one becomes tired of hearing or speaking. Others, who are not devotees, may think, How can people devote so much time simply to talks of God? But devotees are never satisfied or satiated in hearing and speaking about the Supreme Personality of Godhead or about His devotees. The more they hear and talk, the more they become enthusiastic to hear. The chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra is simply the repetition of three words, Hare, Krsna and Rama, but still devotees can go on chanting this Hare Krsna mantra twenty-four hours a day without feeling fatigued.

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