tebhyo gnayah samabhavan
catvarimsac ca panca ca
ta evaikonapancasat
sakam pitr-pitamahaih
tebhyahfrom them; agnayahfire-gods; samabhavanwere produced; catvarimsatforty; caand; pancafive; caand; tethey; evacertainly; ekona-pancasatforty-nine; sakamalong with; pitr-pitamahaihwith the fathers and grandfather.
From those three sons another forty-five descendants were generated, who are also fire-gods. The total number of fire-gods is therefore forty-nine, including the fathers and the grandfather.
The grandfather is Agni, and the sons are Pavaka, Pavamana and Suci. Counting these four, plus forty-five grandsons, there are altogether forty-nine different fire-gods.

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