tam aha bhrataram devi
krpana karunam sati
snuseyam tava kalyana
striyam ma hantum arhasi
tamunto Kamsa; ahasaid; bhrataramher brother; devimother Devaki; krpanahelplessly; karunampiteously; satithe chaste lady; snusa iyam tavathis child will be your daughter-in-law, the wife of your future son; kalyanaO all-auspicious one; striyama woman; manot; hantumto kill; arhasiyou deserve.
Devaki helplessly, piteously appealed to Kamsa: My dear brother, all good fortune unto you. Dont kill this girl. She will be your daughter-in-law. Indeed, it is unworthy of you to kill a woman.
Kamsa had previously excused Devaki because he thought that a woman should not be killed, especially when pregnant. But now, by the influence of maya, he was prepared to kill a womannot only a woman, but a small, helpless newborn child. Devaki wanted to save her brother from this terrible, sinful act. Therefore she told him, Dont be so atrocious as to kill a female child. Let there be all good fortune for you. Demons can do anything for their personal benefit, not considering what is pious or vicious. But Devaki, on the contrary, although safe because she had already given birth to her own son, Krsna, was anxious to save the daughter of someone else. This was natural for her.

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