The new Sixth Canto Bhagavatams are very nice. Yes, actually they are worshipable Deities. Be careful that our books do not appear like Bible printing. Sometimes the Christians also put gold guilding on their books, but people are adverse to purchasing Bibles. Neither our books should be given free, there must be some renumeration, otherwise it will be like Bible selling.   (More...)
This type of decoration on the books, the gold guilding and gold stamping, is generally found on Bibles and Shakespearean texts. Whether people will now confuse our books with these others? Our get-up is already approved, you should not unnecessarily increase the price. You say that these additions will be especially useful for libraries, but if the price is increased they may not accept them. Of course, it depends on the local sellersthey can say whatever is best. You should only make these changes if the sales will actually be increased. I don't want the BBT or the temples to lose.   (More...)

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