Please accept my blessings. I was in due receipt of your Sankirtana Newsletter, Volume 2, Number 23. The report from Denver regarding the legal judgment of Judge M. Winner is giving intelligence to the judge also. It appears that the airport officials are defeated. I have heard that in some of the airports they are making announcements telling the people not to purchase our literature. This is impeding our religion and is therefore blasphemy. This cannot be allowed. You should take this to the courts; let people know what they are doing. They cannot impede our right. It is simply wonderful that Carudesna dasa has distributed in one day 210 big books.   (More...)
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 13, 1975 and have noted the contents with pleasure. The District Court has given us the permission "for as long as the country lasts.'' Were these exact words used in the judgement? This is very funny. The judge is a very funny man. He should be sent a congratulation letter. This should be quoted. Actually any gentleman should be a little humorous.   (More...)
Regarding the airport distribution, I have personally seen that they do not create any disturbance. They speak quietly and on the side, and no one is disturbed.   (More...)

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