You will be interested to know we are collecting about Dollars 250,000 per month. This means about Rs. 20 lakhs per month from book sales. I have written about 50 big books of 400 pages each and about a dozen small books, and all of them are being sold in the above mentioned figures. We spend also very liberally, and whatever we collect we spend it also. The first book was started with your foreword, Easy Journey to Other Planets. Now they are selling revised editions and perhaps it is the best selling item. Since I have come to this country, I might have sold this Easy Journey about one half million copies. My Krishna books are selling more than that. So by Krishna's grace our books are being appreciated by universities, libraries, and respectable professors, and some are being used as textbooks in the universities. I am enclosing herewith a copy of our book catalog which contains some of the comments of the professors. I hope you will enjoy it. Also I am enclosing a copy of one book, Scientific Basis of Krishna Consciousness, written by one of my Ph.D. students. You are also a scientist, and I hope you will enjoy it.   (More...)

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If you Love Me Distribute My Books -- Srila Prabhupada