Srila Prabhupada received an advance copy of S.B. 3:4 which was printed in the USA in five weeks with the quality practically as good as Japan. Prabhupada was also informed that the index of the Third Canto will be a separate volume, as well as for the Fourth Canto which will have a separate volume index. When we mentioned to His Divine Grace that this is the system of encyclopedias to publish separate volumes for the index he said that we could advertise his Srimad-Bhagavatam as "The Encyclopedia of Spiritual Life." S.B. 4:4 has also been given to the American printer and three remaining volumes of S.B. 3:3, 4:2, and 4:3 have already been printed in Japan. That makes 13 volumes of S.B. not including the index volumes!   (More...)

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