So this is the position, that we do not know what is the perfection of life. Krsna says, therefore, begins real knowledge. This chapter is "Knowledge of the Absolute." So everyone... You ask any M.A., Ph.D., that "What is your next life, sir?" "Gow! Gow!" (laughter) That's all. "Gow! Gow!" means "Why you are bothering about these things?" Now, this is the position. And we have taken very hard job to convince these people about Krsna consciousness. They will not accept it. They will deny immediately. They will say, "Why do you bother us? You do your own business. Let us do our own business." But why we are bothering? Because we are servant of Krsna. Krsna wants that these rascals should be informed. These rascals should be raised from this status of ignorance. So that is our mission. Therefore we are going and pleading, "Sir, I am a beggar, I have come to beg from you that you kindly purchase one book and you read it." So sometimes they are doing. After all, human being... So this is our... This is our business. We are stressing on pushing on these books because modern man, if he purchases one book, then at least he will see one line, "What these nonsense have written?" So if he reads one line, if he is intelligent man, he will understand the value. That is sure. That is sure.   (More...)
Regarding Madhavananda he will work more and more enthusiastically. Both husband and wife. Combined together they can do herculean task. And they are devotees also. He is good worker. Encourage him. It is nice that you are purchasing the houses in front of Bhaktivedanta Manor. Yes, have London pay BBT as much as possible. They owe a great amount. Regarding record albums, it is something sentimental. They will purchase and hear for sometime and throw it and purchase another. A book purchased will remain, and once even one line is read, that will benefit the reader.   (More...)

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