vaisnavera guru tenho jagatera arya
dui-nama-milane haila 'advaita-acarya'
vaisnaveraof the devotees; guruspiritual master; tenhoHe; jagatera aryathe most respectable personality in the world; dui-nama-milaneby combining the two names; hailathere was; advaita-acaryathe name Advaita Acarya.
He is the spiritual master of all devotees and is the most revered personality in the world. By a combination of these two names, His name is Advaita Acarya.
Sri Advaita Acarya is the prime spiritual master of the Vaisnavas, and He is worshipable by all Vaisnavas. Vaisnavas must follow in the footsteps of Advaita Acarya, for by so doing one can actually engage in the devotional service of the Lord.

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