TEXTS 6364
slaghaniyehitah sasvat
vakyair vikrama-lilaya
nrlokam ramayam asa
murtya sarvanga-ramyaya
bhojaassisted by the Bhoja dynasty; vrsniand by the Vrsnis; andhakaand by the Andhakas; madhuand by the Madhus; surasenaand by the Surasenas; dasarhakaihand by the Dasarhakas; slaghaniyaby the praiseworthy; ihitahendeavoring; sasvatalways; kuru-srnjaya-pandubhihassisted by the Pandavas, Kurus and Srnjayas; snigdhaaffectionate; smitasmiling; iksitabeing regarded as; udaraihmagnanimous; vakyaihthe instructions; vikrama-lilayathe pastimes of heroism; nr-lokamhuman society; ramayam asapleased; murtyaby His personal form; sarva-anga-ramyayathe form that pleases everyone by all parts of the body.
Assisted by the descendants of Bhoja, Vrsni, Andhaka, Madhu, Surasena, Dasarha, Kuru, Srnjaya and Pandu, Lord Krsna performed various activities. By His pleasing smiles, His affectionate behavior, His instructions and His uncommon pastimes like raising Govardhana Hill, the Lord, appearing in His transcendental body, pleased all of human society.
The words nrlokam ramayam asa murtya sarvanga-ramyaya are significant. Krsna is the original form. Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is therefore described here by the word murtya. The word murti means form. Krsna, or God, is never impersonal; the impersonal feature is but a manifestation of His transcendental body (yasya prabha prabhavato jagad-anda-koti [Bs. 5.40]). The Lord is narakrti, exactly resembling the form of a human being, but His form is different from ours. Therefore the word sarvanga-ramyaya informs us that every part of His body is pleasing for everyone to see. Apart from His smiling face, every part of His bodyHis hands, His legs, His chestis pleasing to the devotees, who cannot at any time stop seeing the beautiful form of the Lord.
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