gayati cedam
kartasya sargadisu yo na badhyate
na hanyate deha-gato pi daihikaih
drastur na drg yasya gunair vidusyate
tasmai namo sakta-vivikta-saksine
gayatihe sings; caand; idamthis; kartathe executor; asyaof this cosmic manifestation; sarga-adisuof the creation, maintenance and destruction; yahone who; na badhyateis not attached as the creator, master or proprietor; nanot; hanyateis victimized; deha-gatah apialthough appearing as a human being; daihikaihby bodily tribulations such as hunger, thirst and fatigue; drastuhof Him who is the seer of everything; nanot; drkthe power of vision; yasyaof whom; gunaihby the material qualities; vidusyateis polluted; tasmaiunto Him; namahmy respectful obeisances; asaktaunto the Supreme person, who is unattached; viviktawithout affection; saksinethe witness of everything.
Narada, the most powerful saintly sage, also worships Nara-Narayana by chanting the following mantra: The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the master of the creation, maintenance and annihilation of this visible cosmic manifestation, yet He is completely free from false prestige. Although to the foolish He appears to have accepted a material body like us, He is unaffected by bodily tribulations like hunger, thirst and fatigue. Although He is the witness who sees everything, His senses are unpolluted by the objects He sees. Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto that unattached, pure witness of the world, the Supreme Soul, the Personality of Godhead.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is described as sac-cid-ananda-vigraha [Bs. 5.1], the body of eternity, transcendental bliss and full knowledge. Now in this verse He is more fully described. Krsna is the creator of the entire cosmic manifestation, yet He is unattached to it. If we were to construct a very tall skyscraper, we would be very attached to it, but Krsna is so renounced that although He has created everything, He is not attached to anything (na badhyate). Furthermore, although Krsna has His transcendental form, sac-cid-ananda-vigraha [Bs. 5.1], He is not disturbed by the bodily necessities of life, which are called daihika; for example, He is never hungry, thirsty or fatigued (na hanyate deha-gato pi daihikaih). Then again, since everything is Krsnas property, He sees everything and is present everywhere, but because His body is transcendental, He is above vision, the objects of vision and the process of vision. When we see someone beautiful, we are attracted. The sight of a beautiful woman immediately attracts a man, and the sight of a man naturally attracts a woman. Krsna, however, is transcendental to all these faults. Although He is the seer of everything, He is not afflicted with faulty vision (na drg yasya gunair vidusyate). Therefore, although He is the witness and seer, He is aloof from all affection for the activities He sees. He is always unattached and separate; He is only a witness.

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