maitreya uvaca
iti te varnitah ksattah
kalakhyah paramatmanah
mahima veda-garbho tha
yathasraksin nibodha me
maitreyah uvacaSri Maitreya said; itithus; teunto you; varnitahdescribed; ksattahO Vidura; kala-akhyahby the name eternal time; paramatmanahof the Supersoul; mahimaglories; veda-garbhahLord Brahma, the reservoir of the Vedas; athahereafter; yathaas it is; asraksitdid create; nibodhajust try to understand; mefrom me.
Sri Maitreya said: O learned Vidura, so far I have explained to you the glories of the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His feature of kala. Now you can hear from me about the creation of Brahma, the reservoir of all Vedic knowledge.

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