yadasit tad api nyunam
tenanyad api sandadhe
tad api dvy-angulam nyunam
yad yad adatta bandhanam
yadawhen; asitbecame; tat apieven the new rope that had been joined; nyunamstill short; tenathen, with the second rope; anyat apianother rope also; sandadheshe joined; tat apithat also; dvi-angulamby a measurement of two fingers; nyunamremained short; yat yat adattain this way, one after another, whatever ropes she joined; bandhanamfor binding Krsna.
This new rope also was short by a measurement of two fingers, and when another rope was joined to it, it was still two fingers too short. As many ropes as she joined, all of them failed; their shortness could not be overcome.

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