dyu-pataya eva te na yayur antam anantataya
tvam api yad antaranda-nicaya nanu savaranah
kha iva rajamsi vanti vayasa saha yac chrutayas
tvayi hi phalanty atannirasanena bhavan-nidhanah
dyu-patayahthe predominating deities of higher planetary systems (Lord Brahma and others); evaalso; teYour; nanot; yayuhcould reach; antamthe limit of transcendental qualities; anantatayadue to being unlimited; tvam apiYou also; yatsince; antarawithin You; anda-nicayahthe groups of universes; nanuO sir; savaranahhaving different coverings; khein the sky; ivalike; rajamsiatoms; vantirotate; vayasathe course of time; sahawith; yatwhat; srutayahgreat personalities who understand the Vedas; tvayiin You; hicertainly; phalantiend in; atannirasanenaby refuting the inferior elements; bhavat-nidhanahwhose conclusion is in You.
" 'My Lord, You are unlimited. Even the predominating deities of the higher planetary systems, including Lord Brahma, could not find Your limitations. Nor could You Yourself ascertain the limit of Your qualities. Like atoms in the sky, there are multi-universes with seven coverings, and these are rotating in due course of time. All the experts in Vedic understanding are searching for You by eliminating the material elements. In this way, searching and searching, they come to the conclusion that everything is complete in You. Thus You are the resort of everything. This is the conclusion of all Vedic experts.'
This verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.87.41) is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita:
bahunam janmanam ante
jnanavan mam prapadyate
vasudevah sarvam iti
sa mahatma sudurlabhah
"After many births and deaths, he who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto Me, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. Such a great soul is very rare." (Bg. 7.19)
After searching for the Absolute Truth throughout the universe, learned scholars and Vedic experts cannot reach the ultimate goal. In this way they come to Krsna.
When there is a discussion about the Absolute Truth, there are always various pros and cons. The purpose of such arguments is to come to the right conclusion. Such an argument is generally known as neti neti ("not this, not that"). Until one comes to the right conclusion, the process of thinking, "This is not the Absolute Truth, that is not the Absolute Truth," will continue. When we come to the right conclusion, we accept the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, as the ultimate truth.

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