TEXT 136
madhuram madhuram vapur asya vibhor
madhuram madhuram vadanam madhuram
madhu-gandhi mrdu-smitam etad aho
madhuram madhuram madhuram madhuram
madhuram-sweet; madhuram-sweet; vapuh-the transcendental form; asya-His; vibhoh-of the Lord; madhuram-sweet; madhuram-sweet; vadanam-face; madhuram-more sweet; madhu-gandhi-the fragrance of honey; mrdu-smitam-soft smiling; etat-this; aho-O; madhuram-sweet; madhuram-sweet; madhuram-sweet; madhuram-still more sweet.
" 'O my Lord, the transcendental body of Krsna is very sweet, and His face is even sweeter than His body. The soft smile on His face, which is like the fragrance of honey, is sweeter still.'
This is a verse quoted from Krsna-karnamrta by Bilvamangala Thakura.

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