ara dina gaudesvara, sange eka-jana
acambite gosani-sabhate kaila agamana
ara dinaone day; gaudesvarathe Nawab of Bengal; sangewith; eka-janaone other person; acambitesuddenly; gosani-sabhatein the assembly of Sanatana Gosvami; kaila agamanacame.
While Sanatana Gosvami was studying Srimad-Bhagavatam in the assembly of learned brahmanas, one day the Nawab of Bengal and another person suddenly appeared.
The full name of the Nawab of Bengal (Hussain Shah) was Alauddina Saiyada Husena Saha Seripha Makka, and he ruled Bengal for twenty-three years, from 1420 to 1443 Sakabda Era. Sanatana Gosvami was studying Srimad-Bhagavatam with the scholars in the year 1424.

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