murkha sannyasi nija-dharma nahi jane
bhavuka ha-iya phere bhavukera sane
murkhailliterate; sannyasione in the renounced order of life; nija-dharmaown duty; nahidoes not; janeknow; bhavukain ecstasy; ha-iyabecoming; pherewanders; bhavukerawith another ecstatic person; sanewith.
"This Caitanya Mahaprabhu is an illiterate sannyasi and therefore does not know His real function. Guided only by His sentiments, He wanders about in the company of other sentimentalists."
Foolish Mayavadis, not knowing that the Krsna consciousness movement is based on a solid philosophy of transcendental science, superficially conclude that those who dance and chant do not have philosophical knowledge. Those who are Krsna conscious actually have full knowledge of the essence of Vedanta philosophy, for they study the real commentary on the Vedanta philosophy, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and follow the actual words of the Supreme Personality of Godhead as found in Bhagavad-gita As It Is. After understanding the Bhagavata philosophy, or bhagavata-dharma, they become fully spiritually conscious or Krsna conscious, and therefore their chanting and dancing is not material but is on the spiritual platform. Although everyone admires the ecstatic chanting and dancing of the devotees, who are therefore popularly known as "the Hare Krsna people," Mayavadis cannot appreciate these activities because of their poor fund of knowledge.

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